How to get to Zaanse Schans from Amsterdam

Zaanse Schans

There are several ways to reach Zaanse Schans from Amsterdam. The most direct way is by taking the train from the north-western suburbs to Koog-Zaandijk, and then follow the signs to Koog-Zaandijk. It takes about 30 minutes and costs 8.40 euros per person.

How to get to Zaanse Schans and see the windmills from Amsterdam?

From Amsterdam Central Station

Amsterdam Central Station is located in the north of the city, about 10 minutes from the city centre by train. Zaanse Schans is about 30 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station. There are several ways to get there, but the train is probably the easiest and fastest way. You can buy train tickets at the central station or online.

Zaanse Schans

From Amsterdam-Sloterdijk station

Amsterdam-Sloterdijk station is about 10 minutes by train from Amsterdam Central Station. There are direct trains to Zaandam, where you can then take the free bus to Zaanse Schans. The train journey takes about 20 minutes.

Train timetables can be found on the NS website. The free bus to Zaanse Schans departs from Zaandam station, just opposite the railway station. The free bus to Zaanse Schans departs from Zaandam station every 20 minutes, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, and Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 5pm. The bus ride takes about 15 minutes.

From Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena station

Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena station is located about 15 minutes by train from Zaanse Schans. There are several trains departing from the station every day, so it is easy to find a train that suits your schedule. The train journey takes about 30 minutes.

Zaanse Schans

By car from Amsterdam

Zaandam is a Dutch town in the province of North Holland, about 15 kilometres northwest of Amsterdam. The town is known for its windmills, canals and wax museum. Zaandam is also the departure point for many river cruises to Amsterdam.

There are several ways to reach Zaandam from Amsterdam. By car, it takes about 30 minutes following the signs to Zaandam from Amsterdam. There is free parking near the wax museum and windmills.

It is also possible to use public transport. The HSL Zaandam commuter train leaves every 15 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station and it takes about 20 minutes to get to Zaandam. There is a bus stop right in front of the wax museum.

Finally, it is possible to take a river cruise from Amsterdam to Zaandam. The boats leave daily at 10.30 am and it takes about 1.5 hours to reach Zaandam.

By bus from Amsterdam

To get to Zaanse Schans from Amsterdam, you can take the bus. The bus journey from Amsterdam takes about an hour and a half. There are several bus routes to Zaanse Schans, including routes 391 and 393. These bus routes depart from Amsterdam Central Station.

Zaanse Schans is easy to get to from Amsterdam. You can get there by train, bus or car. The train is the fastest way, but you can also take the bus or drive. The best way to get to Zaanse Schans is by train, bus or car.

Where to park in Zaanse Schans?

He is possible to parking on the car park of the Zaanse SchansThe parking lot is right next to the Zaanse Museum. A few parking spaces are reserved for people with reduced mobility in the car park of the Zaanse SchansThe Zaanse Museum is close by.

Zaanse Schans

Claudia Bernard

Claudia turned her passion for travel into a sustainable lifestyle by becoming a digital nomad. She explores the globe while working remotely, offering practical advice for those who want to combine work and a passion for travel. Discover her tips for finding the best work spots, managing jet lag and living a balanced nomadic life.

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