"One year's free rail travel": don't be fooled by this hot new scam

It seems that scams are multiplying on the web and in instant messaging. The latest involves a supposedly tempting offer promising WhatsApp users "One year of train free of charge". However, this is a well-organised scam aimed at extracting personal and even banking information from its victims. In this article, we reveal the ins and outs of this scam and how to protect yourself.

What does the scam look like?

The scam begins with a message received on WhatsApp from a contact or a stranger. The message generally contains a clickable link accompanied by the words "One year's free rail travel" with the SNCF logo. By clicking on this link, people are redirected to a page asking them to answer a few questions. questions to validate their eligibilityand then provide their personal and bank details.

Why should you avoid clicking on these links and disclose your data?

  • Theft of personal information : Criminals often seek out your personal information to misuse it (identity theft, blackmail, etc.).
  • Theft of money : Your bank details may be used to make fraudulent online purchases without your knowledge.
  • Spreading the scam: Once trapped, you may accidentally send the same fraudulent message to your contacts via WhatsApp, continuing the chain of scams.

How can you spot this type of scam?

There are several signs that should make you wary:

  • The introduction emphasises a major gain: Offers that are too tempting are often false, especially when they come from unverifiable sources.
  • The clickable link : Links received by e-mail or SMS are not always secure.
  • Messages from strangers : Just as you ignore calls from unknown numbers, be wary of messages from unidentified senders.
  • Requesting personal information: You should be vigilant when websites ask for confidential data.

What should you do if you are exposed to this scam?

If you think you have been a victim of this scam or have clicked on a fraudulent link, follow these steps to limit the consequences:

  1. Close the page immediately: First, close the tab or application to stop all interaction with the malicious site.
  2. Contact your bank: If you have provided your bank details, contact your financial institution as soon as possible to report the problem and request that your account be monitored.
  3. Change password : If you think your login details have been stolen, change your passwords quickly.
  4. Report the scam: It is important to warn the authorities and help limit the impact of these scams by reporting them. You can contact the national police cybercrime unit on the Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr website.

In conclusion

Faced with the scams that proliferate on the Internet, it's essential to remain vigilant and not give in to temptation when faced with offers that are too good to be true. With a few simple reflexes, you can guard against most online scams and protect your personal and banking data. Don't hesitate to share this advice with others to prevent this type of scam from spreading any further.

Marc Dupont

Marc is the ultimate adventurer. A former survival instructor, he has a penchant for wild destinations and extreme challenges. From skydiving in New Zealand to solo trekking in Patagonia, Marc shares his tips for having unforgettable adventures while staying safe.

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