What are the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France?


France is famous for its religious history and its many sacred sites. Many pilgrims and tourists visit France's holy sites every year, including Lourdes, Fátima, Mont-Saint-Michel and Le Puy-en-Velay. France is also a popular country for spiritual retreats. There are many places in France where people can go to withdraw from the world and focus on their spirituality. Here are some of the most popular places for spiritual retreats in France.

Hautecombe Abbey. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Hautecombe Abbey is one of the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France. Located in the department of Savoie, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the abbey is surrounded by mountains and forests. It offers a breathtaking view of the Alps.

Hautecombe Abbey was founded in the 11th century by Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian order. Today, the abbey is a Catholic place of worship and welcomes pilgrims from all over the world.

Hautecombe Abbey is an ideal place for a spiritual retreat as it offers a peaceful and tranquil setting. Visitors can go to the abbey chapel to pray, meditate or simply admire the beauty of the place. The abbey's gardens are also an ideal place to recharge your batteries and relax.

During a spiritual retreat, visitors can also take advantage of the many activities offered by the abbey, such as guided tours, concerts and exhibitions. Hautecombe Abbey is a unique place that offers visitors an unforgettable experience.

En Calcat Abbey. ...

En Calcat Abbey is one of the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France. This ancient Cistercian abbey was founded in the 12th century and is located in the mountains of the Aveyron. The abbey was restored in the 19th century and is open to visitors. The retreat at En Calcat Abbey is a quiet and meditative experience. Participants are invited to take part in religious services and community life, but there is also plenty of time for personal prayer and meditation. Meals are taken in silence and participants are asked to respect the silence throughout the retreat.


Melleray Abbey. ...

Melleray Abbey is one of the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France. Founded in 1131, this Cistercian abbey was built in the typical Romanesque style of the region. Today, Melleray Abbey is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.

Melleray Abbey is located in the department of Mayenne, France. The region is known for its temperate climate and its many natural and historical sites. Melleray Abbey is about 2 hours drive from Paris.

Melleray Abbey is famous for its impressive architecture and rich history. Visitors can admire the many frescoes and sculptures that adorn the interior of the church, as well as the beautifully manicured gardens. Melleray Abbey also offers a range of religious and spiritual activities, including masses, confessions and retreats.

Pilgrims and tourists from all over the world are drawn to the peaceful and contemplative atmosphere of Melleray Abbey. It is an ideal place for those seeking to reconnect with nature and take a break from their stressful daily lives.

Abbey of Saint Lioba. ...

The Abbey of Saint Lioba is a Benedictine monastery located in France, in the town of Saint-Pierre-de-Fursac. Founded in the 8th century by Saint Lioba, a German noblewoman, the abbey was built to provide a place of spiritual retreat for women. Over the years, the abbey has become a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists, attracted by its medieval architecture and peaceful atmosphere.

Notre-Dame de Joie in Pontcalec (Dominicans of the Holy Spirit) ...

Notre-Dame de Joie à Pontcalec (Dominicaines du Saint-Esprit) is a monastery located on the north coast of France, near the town of Brest. It was founded in 1867 by the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit, a religious congregation of women. The monastery is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is open to pilgrims and tourists. The monastery chapel is decorated with 19th-century wall paintings and houses a statue of the Virgin Mary, which is venerated by pilgrims. The monastery also has a library stocked with religious books and works on French history and culture. The Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit have also founded monasteries in other countries, including Canada, Belgium and Italy.


House of the Assumption - Orléans. ...

The Maison de l'Assomption in Orléans is one of the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France. This former 17th century convent has been fully restored and is surrounded by beautiful gardens. There is a chapel, eleven bedrooms, a dining room, a library and a salon. Visitors can enjoy the tranquillity of the place and the beauty of the gardens.

Abbaye des Dombes. ...

The Abbaye des Dombes is one of the most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France. This ancient Benedictine abbey was founded in the 11th century and is surrounded by 3,000 hectares of forest. The Abbaye des Dombes is known for its calm and tranquil atmosphere, making it the ideal place for a spiritual retreat. There are many activities available for those seeking to reconnect with nature, including hiking, canoeing, fishing and horse riding. Abbaye des Dombes is also known for its excellent food and wine, making it an ideal place to relax and enjoy good food and wine.

Abbaye La Joie-Notre-Dame de Campénéac.

La Joie-Notre-Dame de Campénéac Abbey is a very popular place of spiritual retreat in France. It is a Cistercian monastery founded in 1145 by the Cîteaux order of monks. The abbey is located in the Black Mountains, near the city of Toulouse. The monks of the abbey live according to the rule of Saint-Benoît and are known for their agricultural work and cheese production. The abbey is open to visitors and offers spiritual retreats in a peaceful and quiet setting.

The most popular places for a spiritual retreat in France are those known for their natural beauty, history and tranquil atmosphere. These destinations offer visitors a way to reconnect with nature and find inner calm.

What are the activities to be carried out in a spiritual wellness retreat?

More and more people are opting for a wellness retreat, primarily because the activities on offer do participants a great deal of good... The organisations offering spiritual retreats have previously established well-defined programmes so that the participants can make the most of this time of relaxation around spirituality.

If you have never had the opportunity to do a wellness retreat in the past, it's still a good idea to consider the various activities you'll be carrying out during the retreat. It sometimes happens that students who embark on in a wellness retreat don't always react well to the activities proposed to them, particularly if they haven't done enough research on the subject. To avoid finding yourself in this type of situation, don't hesitate to ask for more information from the instructors, or perhaps from former students! Spiritual wellbeing retreats generally offer the following activities:


Of course, how can you not practice yoga in a spiritual retreat? A wellness exercise par excellence, yoga can sometimes be confusing: it can be practised in many ways. Other derivatives, such as Tai Chi or the Qi Gong can have a place in a spiritual retreat. The most experienced practitioners and therapists will know exactly how to introduce you to these exercises. They are all a good way to reconnect with your body.

Mindfulness meditation

Practising mindfulness meditation on a spiritual retreat will allow you to experience a moment where time has no place. You'll learn a little more about yourself, but also about the world. This exercise is also very practical for to calm the mind.


If you feel nothing, and feel that your sensations are nil, then pranayamas, or massages, can be very helpful. In the context of a wellness retreatThese are performed by professionals in a relaxing environment. Once you have enjoyed a good massage during your spiritual retreat, you will feel much more relaxed and your sensations will be much stronger!


Although sophrology has long been disparaged, it has undeniable advantages when discussed with those who have practised it. With, in particular, the practice of breathworkWith the help of a breathing exercise that is in the news a lot at the moment, it is easier to release emotions. This type of exercise is sometimes very moving to experience, both for the practitioner and for the students who discover these breathing exercises for the first time in their lives.


Considered by some as an alternative medicine, naturopathy can also be practiced in a spiritual retreat. In addition to enjoying the benefits of naturopathy, participants can take the opportunity to learn about this practice. In addition to this practice, the trainers will also give information on Chinese medicine, or Ayurveda.

How to book a spiritual retreat?

It is very easy to find an organisation that offers you a wellness retreat. Most of them have a web presence, where all the spiritual retreats activities are presented. Of course, places are always very limited, so that the students are cocooned together, without too many people. Practitioners also appreciate the fact that they can accompany certain students on a case-by-case basis, without needing to expend too much energy.

That said, before booking a wellness retreat, it's essential to find out all you can about the activities, such as those outlined above. Finally, try to find out about the organisation that will be offering your first spiritual retreat. If, after a little research, you realise that the place doesn't really inspire confidence, then you'll probably have to turn to another establishment, even if it's further away from your home.


Claudia Bernard

Claudia turned her passion for travel into a sustainable lifestyle by becoming a digital nomad. She explores the globe while working remotely, offering practical advice for those who want to combine work and a passion for travel. Discover her tips for finding the best work spots, managing jet lag and living a balanced nomadic life.

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