How to make a successful Welsh recipe in 7 steps

Welsh is a dish ofWelsh origin. It is made with melted cheddar cheese. Welsh is also known as welsh rarebit or welsh rabbit. In the region of Picardy, à Amiens For example, this dish is offered by most restaurants. Some have kept the original welsh recipe and others have revisited it. Traditionally speaking, it is baked and served on a slice of toast. The dish is often accompanied by a well roasted fry with a glass of lager.

How to make homemade welsh rarebit?

This typical northern dish was originally cooked with lager. Over time, it has been revisited, but without changing its original taste. Below you'll find two different methods for preparing the recipe for welshwith and without alcohol.

welsh recipe
Welsh rarebit jeremy keith flickr

Traditional welsh recipe: with beer

For the traditional recipeTo make welsh for four people, you need ingredients 800g of cheddar cheese, 4 eggs, 4 slices of white ham, 4 slices of bread (sandwich bread or farmhouse bread), 2 tablespoons of strong mustard or old-fashioned mustard16cl of lager and pepper.

For the home-made preparation: Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the slices of bread you have chosen in individual gratin dishes or in a large dish. Place a slice of ham on top of each piece of bread.

How to use the cheddar cheese ?

Then grate the cheddar cheese and melt it in a saucepan over low heat. Stir it constantly with a wooden spoon. The cheese is melted when it coats the spoon. Moisten the cheese with the lager. Keep stirring it to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Pour in the mustard and stir again. Once they are well mixed, take the sauce and pour it over the bread slices.

Put the welsh in the oven for 10 minutes. During the cooking time, cook the fried eggs. When the mixture is cooked, place a fried egg on each welsh.

Serve it while it is still warm. Sprinkle the top with a little pepper and the dish is ready.

Recipe for the original alcohol-free welsh for 1 person

For people who would like to try welsh, but are not keen on alcohol, this recipe for alcohol-free welsh is made for you. It's just for one person, but you can increase the volumes according to your number.

For this preparation, you need: a slice of bread and ham, 100g of cheddar cheese or grated cheese1/2 beef cube stock, 6 cl water, 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 egg, salt and pepper.

Preheat the oven to 210°C. Melt the cheddar cheese with the water and stock in a saucepan until you have a smooth sauce. Season the mix. Wrap the bread with the ham. Place it on a dish or baking pan and pour the sauce over it. Put the mixture in the oven for 5 minutes and then put it under the grill for another 5 minutes. While waiting for it to cook, prepare your egg on the dish. Once out of the oven, place the egg on the welsh and your dish is ready.

Recipe for welsh with maroilles

Some people might say that there is no need for a variation with Maroilles, but these people have obviously never tasted this speciality from the Hauts de France. When a great French chef revisits this traditional dish, as for example the recipeYou can bet it will be full of flavour and sophistication.

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