Holidays in Rome: don't miss out on the Colosseum

holidays in rome

The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre built by the Roman Empire. It was here that gladiatorial combat took place, as well as public executions and battle re-enactments. It could accommodate up to 50,000 spectators. It's a must-see if you're planning your next holiday in Rome. The Colosseum lies at the heart of the city. To make sure you visit this not-to-be-missed landmark once you're there, be sure to make your reservation in advance. Is it really worth the diversions? Is it better to opt for a guided tour? Here's our advice.

Book your visit to the Colosseum in advance

Although damaged, the Colosseum remains a remarkable site that bears witness to therich history of the city of Rome. However, the tourists who will be passing through Rome will certainly have the same idea as you. You'll have to wait 2/3 hours to get there in high season (spring/summer). This waiting time is due not only to the number of visitors, but also to the site's capacity (3,000 people at any one time) and the need to pass through security checks.

To avoid wasting several hours of your time waiting under the sun, it is more than recommended to book your visit to the Colosseum in advance. You can do this by on this pagea blog that brings together all the tips and advice for visiting the italian capitalChoose the options that suit you best (date, time, number and type of tickets, etc.).

holidays in rome

Simple or more complete visit of the Colosseum?

You can choose between a simple or a more complete visit of the Colosseum, by booking your tickets in advance. In the first case, you will not have to wait for your visit. The ticket gives you access to the main parts of the Colosseum, including the terraces, as well as the Roman Forum and Mount Palatine. You will be accompanied by a guide. However, you will not have access to the arenas, the belvedere and the underground passages.

With a more complete visit, you can walk on the floor of the arena, entering through the door where the gladiators entered. Emotions guaranteed! Of course, you will also pass by the terraces, to enjoy the view of the Colosseum and continue to the Roman Forum and Mount Palatine. You will also have the opportunity to discover the undergroundThis was the basement of the amphitheatre where the gladiators prepared for battle.

Is the guided tour of the Colosseum worth it?

Some people say that you don't need to go in, because the view from outside is enough. Well, that's not true at all! It is an incredible building, whose technicality and solidity are really worth a visit. A visit to this almost 2,000-year-old monument, completed in the year 80 during the reign of Titus, also allows you to immerse yourself in a rich and fascinating history. Admiring this huge arena and the bloody gladiatorial battles that took place there will not leave you indifferent. To fully enjoy the arena, it is recommended to take a guided tour.

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