Where is Cap Blanc-Nez?

Cap Blanc-Nez

Cap Blanc-Nez is a cape located at Escalles in the Pas-de-Calais, a few kilometres from the city of Calais and around 25 km from Boulogne-sur-Mer. It owes its name to its famous white cliffs. It's a heavenly spot in the north of France, ideal for a holiday. weekend or even for a week's holiday. It is an emblematic place of the Opal Coast region that can turn your holiday into an extraordinary adventure. Together with Cap Gris-Nez, it is one of the 13 national tourist hotspots to have been awarded the "Grand Site de France" label, making it a great place to take a stroll.

Cap Blanc-Nez

How to get to Cap Blanc-Nez?

Cap Blanc-Nez is a site with chalk cliffs reaching 134 metres in height, exceptional panoramic views, grassy lawns and a beach classified as the 1st beach in France accessible at low tide. If you're planning to have a good time to Cap Blanc-Nez without a car, you can come from Calais, Wimereux or Boulogne-sur-Mer. In summer, you can take the Div'In 5 line from Calais or Sangatte. For Boulogne-sur-Mer, it is the Marineo line F and for Wimereux, it is the Oscar 505 line. To get off, you have to stop at Sangatte at the Cap Blanc-Nez stop. And for the return journey, you can take a bus in Wissant.

How to get to Cap Blanc-Nez?

There are hiking trails The Cap Blanc-Nez Loop is a fairly easy hike, with a distance of 6.5 km and a breathtaking view. The Cap Blanc-Nez Loop is a fairly easy hike, with a distance of 6.5 km offering a breathtaking view. It is a site accessible to children, but also to people with reduced mobility. To access it, you have to go to the start of the hike which is just after the car park on the D940 between Escalles and Sangatte. It is completely free, and allows you to enter the summit of the Cape and its obelisk. Turn right about ten metres after the car park exit to access the loop hike. Then follow the wooden signs indicating Sangatte. A Monement Dover Patrol stands at the top of Cap Blanc, overlooking Cap Gris-Nez and the Bay of Wissant on one side and Calais on the other. The top of the cliffs has a moor particularly exposed to the salty spray carried by the winds.

Why Cap Blanc-Nez and Gris-Nez?

Cap Blanc-Nez and Cap Gris-Nez form the most beautiful landscapes in the Côte d'Opale region. They have been named the most major site in France in 2011They stretch over 23 km and are part of the Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d'Opale. Located in the heart of the Côte d'Opale, they attract millions of visitors every year. These two capes are currently separated by the Pas-de-Calais Strait, which marks the boundary between the English Channel and the North Sea. They represent the last cliffs in northern Europe, while the others are in Denmark. From Cap Gris, you can reach Cap Blanc Nez on foot or by bike. You can either follow the coastline or pass through the fields of the Boulonnais region.

What to do in Cap Gris-Nez?

Cap Gris-Nez is the starting point for several walks such as the GR 120 which runs along the coast towards Audresselles, Ambleteuse, Boulogne-sur-Mer or towards Wissant via Tardinghen. During your walks, you will have the opportunity to observe numerous bunkers, bomb craters, as well as other traces dating from the last two world wars. This place is reminiscent of a place for observing the migratory birds by the presence of a strait, which is an important crossing point for many species. It is considered a major site to be protected to preserve the natural habitat and migration of birds.

Cap Blanc-Nez

Claudia Bernard

Claudia turned her passion for travel into a sustainable lifestyle by becoming a digital nomad. She explores the globe while working remotely, offering practical advice for those who want to combine work and a passion for travel. Discover her tips for finding the best work spots, managing jet lag and living a balanced nomadic life.

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