Car rental between individuals: how does it work?

car rental between individuals

How to rent a car between individuals and on which website?

When a car is not in use, it can be rented to individuals for 90 % of the time. In this way, the owner can use and enjoy these moments to the full while avoiding the costs of maintaining their own vehicle!

The car hire company

The owner has a car, but he does not use it all the time. He has to define all the features so you can have the best driving experiences :

  • Vehicle characteristics: age, comfort and number of seats.
  • Technical details on engine size, fuel consumption, type of engine, etc.
  • The conditions imposed on the hirer, such as where they can be hired at an agreed rate for a certain period of time, during which they will have their own car at their disposal

The tenant : Book a car to a private individual

The car rental between individuals is often the best way to get around an unfamiliar city. Hirers who choose this option should ensure that they have enough money and time before they travel, as well as basic driving knowledge, such as a UK government driving test certificate!

Car reservation

In order to decide which car to rent, the hirer needs :

  • Compare the prices and features of the different vehicles available at the desired location
  • Contact a landlord if they know someone who has one to rent (or vice versa)
  • Book your car by credit card on the rental site between private individuals and you can choose from all the vehicles available.

To rent the car, it is sufficient to make arrangements with the owner. The hirer will then go to the reserved parking space and take possession of the vehicle.

Car rental platforms between individuals

The various rental platforms act as intermediaries between renters and owners. They allow the hirer to insure their vehicle during the rental period, which is not possible with a traditional insurance policy due to its high cost or lack of availability in some cases (e.g. abroad). In many cases, these companies will be used to draw up the details of the contract, such as payment terms, for the use of both parties involved; despite this role, there is no guarantee that a specific site will have exclusive rights to certain types of business, as each may vary depending on the terms of the agreement set by them alone!

Commissions from rental platforms

They will take a commission on bringing two interested parties together, often 30% They will also pay 70% to the landlord-tenants for their services in organising this tenancy and making sure that everything goes well for the best driving experiences !

The choice of car hire between private individuals

These days, more and more people are opting for car hire between private individuals. It's a more practical concept. Now, when it comes to choosing where to rent, there are two choices. On the one hand, there are platforms like Jumbocar Martinique where you can get in touch with car hire companies. It's worth noting that turning to these platforms is much more attractive because you have a certain guarantee of the car's reliability. The rental contract will also be much more formal.

On the other hand, you may find this type of rental on social networks or in your circle of acquaintances. There are bound to be people around you who want to rent out their vehicle to earn extra income. Of course, they won't necessarily go down the formal route, but it's still a rental between private individuals. Generally, in this situation, the basis is mutual trust between the two parties.

Whether you choose one or the other of these alternatives, you should be aware that each has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. So before making a decision, don't hesitate to find out more about them and make comparisons, weighing up the pros and cons. Of course, the choice is entirely up to you, so you should also take into account your personal needs and desires. This will give you a better experience.

What are the advantages of car hire between private individuals?

If many people are attracted by this concept, it's mainly because of the advantages it offers. Firstly, when you opt for a private hire car, you benefit from a reduced cost compared with the rental rate. Traditional agencies charge much higher rates, often because of the administrative procedures involved. With this private hire alternative, the rate is generally affordable. Owners who rent out their vehicles do not have the same overheads as rental companies. What's more, it's important to bear in mind that many owners are starting out in this type of rental. So competition can play a part in reducing rates.

Secondly, when you opt for this private hire scheme, you'll be able to benefit from a wide choice of vehicles. Each owner you meet will offer you a different car. You'll be able to choose between luxury cars, economy cars and specialist vehicles such as motorhomes and classic cars. You're sure to find the vehicle that suits your needs.

Finally, locating vehicles between private individuals gives you great flexibility. With this concept, you can hire a car for a few hours, a day or even longer. If you only need the car for a limited time, this is the ideal option. It all depends on your contract with the owner.

Car rental application (Drivy or Ouicar)

To make it easier for rental companies and owners, some companies offer a box that can be installed in your car without you having to give any access codes. This small on-board computer records the number of kilometres you have travelled during your mission!

Unlocking with the app will also open all the doors: no more fumbling with keys or wondering if they're still there when you need them most (and who has the time?).

For a holiday, an unexpected trip or a small project weekendthe tenant who chooses the car rental between individuals must :

  • compare available cars around the desired address; for example Amiens.
  • contact one or more owners ;
  • book the vehicle chosen by credit card on the car hire company's website.

Car rental between individuals: in case of a problem

You are considering a car rental between individuals rather than a rental company? While this may be more cost-effective, it also carries some risks. Before making your decision, be sure to weigh up the pros and cons.

Insurance car rental: accident or vandalism

Whether it is an accident or vandalism, the insurance of the company of des rental platforms will repair your vehicle and repatriate you. The cost of repairs is determined by the extent of the damage in relation to what the cover covers. So if someone has suffered expensive damage, they will pay for it themselves, while minor problems will be reimbursed at varying levels depending on the policy

car rental between individuals

If something worse happens (such as theft), renters can file claims with our helpful staff who are on hand 24/7 to answer any questions about getting back on the wheels as quickly as possible

Theft while renting a vehicle

Theft is a very unfortunate side effect of car rental. Private party insurance reimburses the value of your vehicle, less an excess that you have to pay if it happens during the rental period

Infractions, Fines, FPV

Breaches happen all the time, but you need to know how it works if there is ever a problem with your tenancy agreement. This document proves that they are actually renting their property and therefore it must be in order, otherwise a breach occurs - and what happens then? You will receive a ticket...

Just like any other person caught violating someone else's rights or territory (the key to renting). To avoid these fines, make sure everything fits before you sign anything, because if violations start to occur, things can quickly turn into a financial disaster.

To be noted

The new contravention for carrying more passengers than the maximum seating capacity was created on 17 September 2018. The penalty is a fine of between €135 and a deduction of 3 points from your driving licence (4th class). Passengers are also required to pay this fine if they were in possession or control of the vehicle at any time during the journey

Some car rental sites between individuals to discover the rental offers :

Car rental prices between individuals

Type of carPrice/day (fuel not included)

Small city car rental offers

  • 30 € the first day, 10 € the following days
  • 0,15 € per km
  • 800 deductible

Medium compact rental offers

  • 30 € the first day, 20 € the following days
  • 0,07 € per km
  • 800 deductible

Manual minivan rental offers

  • 40 € the first day, 15 € the following days
  • 0,18 € per km
  • 800 deductible

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