4 tips for cheaper train travel

cheaper train travel

Travelling by train is one of the most pleasant and environmentally friendly ways to get from one place to another. By taking the train, you have the opportunity to experience beautiful scenery along the way. However, travelling by train can be very expensive. However, there are some tips on how to keep the cost of your journey down and make the most of this means of transport.

Use a train comparator to travel for less

Whether you are travelling across France or Europe, you can find cheap train tickets. The first thing to do is touse a train comparator. Thanks to this train ticket price simulatorWith the help of the tool, you can find the carriers that offer the best prices for your destination. In order to find the cheapest price, you only need to enter some information into the tool.

Among other things, you must specify the departure and arrival stations, the number of passengers and the date and time of your journey. If you have a discount card or a train pass, you can also enter the information relating to this card. Once you have done this, all you have to do is validate. The train comparator will display a list of tickets and fares ranked in order from cheapest to most expensive. You can then choose the cheapest ticket for your journey. By clicking on the offer of your choice, you will be redirected to the carrier's website to buy your ticket if you wish.

Book your train journey in advance

It's easy to find cheaper train tickets when you book them in advance. Buying your tickets weeks or months before your departure date allows you to benefit from tickets twice as cheap for your journey. Don't panic if your plans change: due to the current health situation, the conditions for exchanging and refunding train tickets have been revised by the SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français). Customers can now postpone or cancel a journey free of charge up to 72 hours before the day of travel. In addition, it is now possible to see the minimum and maximum prices charged by the company for each journey.

Travel during off-peak hours

Train tickets are very expensive when the journey has to be made during rush hour. To travel more cheaply, it is therefore worthwhile to buy train tickets during off-peak hours. Fares are cheaper and you could also have more space inside your carriage. Outside of off-peak hours, fares are more affordable during the week or during the start of the school year. During these periods, children are at school and most people are at work. The price of train tickets therefore drops dramatically.

Avoid buying food on the train to save money

Meals are provided for passengers on the train. They provide food when hunger strikes, especially on long journeys. You will find hot or cold dishesThey are available to travellers throughout the journey. These are available to passengers throughout the journey. However, these meals on board the locomotive can be expensive. In order to save money during your journey, you should avoid buying the food offered.

By skipping the catering, you can save a few extra euros. All you have to do istake something to eat with you and something to drink. For example, you can prepare small dishes and put them in a box or a small cooler in your bag. If you don't have time to prepare anything, you can always go to a mini-market and buy sandwiches. They will be cheaper than the ones sold on the train.

By preparing your own meals or buying food away from the locomotive, you can save money on your train travel budget. Travelling by train is an enjoyable and environmentally friendly experience. By choosing this means of transport, you can also to better contemplate the landscape during your journey. By putting these tips into practice, you will be able to enjoy the trip even on a tight budget.

cheaper train travel

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